This may be good to know for others as it's a HUGE question for me.
My situation:
I have well water, UV light unit installed but not in use(was here when we bought the house and dead), iron filter tank, salt water softner system and I installed an RO/DI unit under my kitchen sink for making tank water only.
I know all the feeding rules and abide by them and have great husbandry. BUT i still get cyano and dino in my tank. My TDS is steady at 0.008 and am running rowaphos gfo, rox gac and biopellets w/mb7 and skimming well. I blow off all rock every couple of days with the turkey baster as well.
I am thinking bad bacteria in the water may be the culpret. Why? aside from the obvious, the previous owner of my house installed a pretty powerful UV sterilizer on the incoming water supply. He was a real cheapskate except where absolutely needed.
Would it be better to place a UV on the tank pipes or buy a new bulb and get the whole house UV unit up and running again? And what do you base your reasoning on?
125g mixed reef Peninsula